Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Rubberball's Rambles #3 Team A Stage Performance 2012.11.16

Current Team A
banner made by RUBS
I honestly did not think I would write up another Theatre performance review so soon because the previous one took a lot of work and was bothersome (but fun) and I'm quite the lazy one. But this performance had an element of surprise and turned out to be one of the best Seitansai's (Birthday celebration performance) I've watched. This is Kasai Tomomi's seitansai and I have to be honest here, I was not exactly paying attention whilst watching it. Because:
  1. I was extremely tired from watching waaaaay too many LODs in one sitting.
  2. It was emotionally hard to watch Chiyuu on oshi-cam, knowing that she'd graduated quite a while ago.
Anyway on with the show! During the opening songs I was having a hard time watching the actual performance because I was busy figuring out who was subbing for whom. hahaha 
If you are curious (caution: it's quite complex) :
  • Marina>Ryoka>Mayu
  • Izurina>Tano>Takamina
  • Shiorin>Yuihan
  • Ayaroid>Annin>Mariko
">"subbed for
I'll only write about the highlights of the show, since I wasn't concentrating  Also, in my opinion this setlist was sort of boring and I've seen these units a thousand times.
  • Junai no crescendo with Chiyuu Oshi-cam was glorious image
  • Kuroi Tenshi was pretty good also, with the stoic character of Annin. She looked really stiff and I think that's perfect for this unit.
  • Ame no pianist was awesome! Tano is extremely cool and her dance style is very unique and Sakippe's hair was gorgeous image
Anyway the rest of the show was pretty mediocre so I won't comment on the other songs. Now you're all probably wondering why the hell this turned out to be one of the best Seitansai performance. Well I cut the part where I literally squealed at my computer screen. So you can watch it below...

Yes. I know, she's perfect. Did your heart stop beating? Are you breathing? It's okay because Sae is here. Can we all just have a moment to appreciate how much of a gentleman Sae is image
Okay, moment over.
Sigh. Everyone look at all those girls fan-girling and squealing when Sae rolled in the cake with her freaking Ikemen megane and hat and ahsdjkahsjkdakshd her perfect face. Let's not talk about what atrocious, plaid, bath robe she is wearing though image Did you guys also notice how Chiyuu and Sae looked so much like a freaking couple?!! image
NO? YOU DIDN'T? Well, here are some caps to make up for it.

Just look at the way she's singing and comforting Tomo at the same time. Sigh. Sae, why can't you be mine. image

Look at how high Tomo's arm is around Sae though. -dies- And the way Sae puts her arm around Tomo like she's protecting an injured puppy. -dies a second time-
And not only did Sae make time in her busy schedule between SNH and other TV shows to come to Tomo's seitansai (even though she said it was her spare time psh) but she also wrote her a letter. She wrote Tomo's letter the year before also, it makes me wonder...does Tomo have any other friends as close as these two?

Also, I'm 95% sure it was Ripopo who yelled out "waaahhh Ikemen!". Yes Ripopo, you could not have been more correct. In fact, do you know what? Sae is so Ikemen, she deserves a gif to exemplify it. As if the world, did not already know this. But here ya'll go...*cue the fangirling screams*

Just look at Tomo, she can't even imagine losing one minute of this Ikemen goddess by her side.
Another Ikemen point: Telling the Team A members she's leaving Tomomi in their care image
I laughed so hard, when Sae was like fine I'll stay and sing...Mushi no Ballad! damn that hit me right in the Twintower feels.
I just miss seeing Sae in Theatre performances so much, and watching this just made me grin ear to ear. The grand reformation is coming up soon, I hope there will be good news like Sae transferring back to Team K as Captain! Then the shinyuu trio will become the "Shinyuu Captain Trio". What? A girl can wish, can't she? image


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