Monday 30 December 2013

[Review] AKB48 - 34th single 鈴懸の木の道で「君の微笑みを夢に見る」と言ってしまったら僕たちの関係はどう変わってしまうのか、僕なりに何日か考えた上でのやや気恥ずかしい結論のようなもの / 鈴懸なんちゃら Suzukake Nanchara

AKB48's 4th Janken Single continued the Million streak, whilst breaking Oricon History! It also happened to own the title of having the longest 48Group Song name. One thing for sure, Aki-p sure knows how to keep things interesting. This single included "Request hour setlist Best 200 2014" voting tickets which was most likely another sales campaign to boost the typically lower Janken single sales. Nonetheless, another quality AKB48 Single with great B-sides to boot.

鈴懸の木の道で「君の微笑みを夢に見る」と言ってしまったら僕たちの関係はどう変わってしまうのか、僕なりに何日か考えた上でのやや気恥ずかしい結論のようなもの/ Suzukake Nanchara Music Video

Costume: ★★★☆☆
I quite like this costume but I think that it is not the right style for this kind of song. Because the song is more upbeat and happy, I reckon the use of a brighter colour or like not
completely black would suit the song more, but that is just my opinion :) Anyways... I reckon the costume designer have done a great job with the costume actually, because if you look closely at each of the member's collar and dress edges, the jewels they use are all of different shapes and position and also I have realised that the material they use is kind of like a denim material with some leather at the shoulder area?? I reckon that is a pretty good quality costume unless they use the really cheap and crap ones.... The shoe also have some jewels attached as well and can I just say one thing.....the heels are so high and Abemaru you're already tall enough!
Dance: ★★★☆☆
Mmm.... what do I think about this song's choreography... Let's just say that it is different and unique in its own way I guess. For example, the hands-over-head-zombie-pose-like move and the hand-rubbing-head movement, they are so weird and random LOL!! What I love about the choreography is the part after they shout "Suki Suki..." where they form two circles and walk around. I reckon it is good as the members will all get a chance to stand in the front, well... They all get a chance to anyways but not as much as the top 3 members. I love the end pose as well when the songs ends!! It's just like Jurina trying to tell the audience that "Hey everyone~ These are all the new girls in my harem now~" o(≧∇≦o)
Song: ★★★★☆
I was actually hoping for a cool song with a challenging dance choreography because of Jurina being the center, but I guess it would've been hard considering the senbatsu members and that's why "Escape" is SKE's coupling song~ Anyways... I actually prefer this song over the other Janken single!! Not being bias or anything, I really like this upbeat and idoly song! Especially when they finish the first verse and go "Janjanjan....", it sounds so cute~ and I love Jurina's solo line after that~~~ Usually Aki-p would write the Janken song related to the center as evident in "Eien Pressure" and "Ue Kara Mariko", but Suzukake Nanchara doesn't really seem like a song that is written for Jurina or that it is in some way that only Aki-p knows deeply what the song actually means! The lyrics is really well-written though~
Overall: ★★★★☆
The janken senbatsu members this year is really filled with a lot of new faces, with three KKS making into senbatsu and not a lot of popular members! I was super happy and excited after knowing that Jurina won and get to be the center for this year's janken single! This single overall is pretty good, especially that long ass poem title! (P.S. I'm very proud of myself that I can remember the whole title~) Moving on... The MV is pretty average I guess... In my opinion, I would've chosen a brighter setting to film the dance choreography to suit the song's genre, but overall it is pretty good.

Costume: ★★★☆☆
Sub-par costume. The black and the shimmer seriously does not work for this cheery song. Also I sort of wished they gave a different costume for Jurina, maybe something to say "this is my song!". So we could associate that iconic costume with Suzukake, otherwise it's just another AKB single and not a Janken single.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
This dance is quite quirky and a little funny at times, such as the little walks to the front line and back and the swaying locked arms side to side. The move that always gets me is that rubbing head motion with the hand over the mouth. Also, nice reference to Usain bolt hehe. The dance formation is actually pretty good, unlike sousenkyo songs, all members, regardless of what they ranked got pretty equal screen time with the rotation of rows. 
Song: ★★★★☆ 
The first time I listened to this song, I was already hooked. It's really a true-to-the-heart idol song with beautiful lyrics. Seriously. The title itself is a poem. I love how AKB can go from singing about swimming strokes to Platanus Trees. The chanting and the ~woos~ sometimes gets on my nerves but I really like the chorus. Too bad the PV sort of sunk this song. 
Overall: ★★★☆☆
There was a time where I really loved this song. But the PV sort of ruined it..really badly. I think they could've done with a better PV for this type of song. What's with the large amount of dark colours? To me, this song is filled with happiness, love and dreams actually it's all about JuriMari  and I'm sorry to say, the PV did not reflect this much at all. But I'm so glad my bbs: Tano chan, Hillary, and Abemaru won their luck into senbatsu! YAY.

Mosh & Dive Music Video

Costume: ★☆☆☆☆
Oh my god.... Don't even get me started on the costume for this song... I know that some members look good and sexy in them, for example Yuko, Mayuyu and Rena. But I'm sorry, who ever the costume designer is for this song... please don't use these kind of plastic materials anymore in the future... The red ones especially are the worse! ( ̄д ̄;)
Dance: ★★★☆☆
The choreography is pretty well produced and I really like the part where they do "1,2,3" with their fingers. Really happy with the formation as well, because members at the back were also able to stand and dance infront for some period of time when the usual senbatsu members move back. Only part I don't get is the robotic movements during the instrumental interval...
Song: ★★★★☆
Man, I love the guitar solo at the beginning of the song because it sounds so awesome that it makes you want to learn how to play guitar as well! (well... maybe it is just me but who cares~) The song overall is pretty awesome, especially the part that leads up to the chorus. But I find it a bit repetitive with the "1,2,3..." during the chorus.
Overall: ★★★☆☆
Overall mmm.... The MV is really well directed by Ryuhei Kitamura, with each member's individual shoot being so adorable and appropriate background setting. I don't know why, but this song makes me feel like it's a dance game song with the cutesy sound played during the interval and the "Mosh" & "Dive" font that slides across the screen. The only thing that I am not happy about is of course the costume, or else this song would've be really good.

Costume: ★★☆☆☆
Okay so hear me out before bashing me TAKA for rating this two stars. I have a love/hate/burn-this-costume-to-ashes relationship for Mosh & Dive okay? hahha. You see, when I saw this in promo pictures, I actually thought wow I will hate this PV with so much passion. But in the end. I fell for the セクシー選抜. I'm truly lost for words...Nyannyan!!! OMG why do this to me *0* oh and Yukirin, you will be the death of me. Basically the front row, with those leather black um costumes and clear raincoats are too sexy for words. And of course my one and only, Oshimen, how the hell can you be so elegant and sexy at the same time!! *yelps* Please Aki-p make them perform this live at the Olympic stadium! OK. So that was what I liked about the costume, sorry it wasn't exactly detailed in the specifics hahah. The costume that shall burn is that red leather...what is this?! A S&M video? NO STAAAAP. Also those neck chokers...really?! ALSO. SayaMilky why are you wearing those disgusting fish nets T_T Anyway rant over. Wait, almost forgot. That Jungle Red lipstick is gorgeous with a capital G.
Dance: ★★★★☆
I love love love this dance so much! It's like in between a  cute dance with a sexy, night club dance. Just perfect for this adult senbatsu. Yes, I see you barely, over-aged children: Yuirii, and Haruppi. I know this is not really the dance part. But right in the beginning, the close up of the Oshiri sisters and they look all serious and all "I'll wreck you" face and then all of a sudden the camera zooms out and bam THOSE BEAUTIFUL GRINS. And the awesome backing track begins. I also loved the solo-shots, Yuko- that body roll!!!! And again...the Usain Bolt move strikes back.
Song: ★★★★★
I had no idea that I would love this song so much. It's sky-rocketed to somewhere near the top of my favourites list. When I listened to the radio-rip, I thought, well this is actually a pretty good song. Little did I know that when I watched the PV I would fall hard for this song, real hard. The guitar instrumental, the electronic mix arrangement is glory to my ears. The night-club esque keeps it upbeat and catchy. At the same time, you can also see the Idol-music features behind it all, keeping it a light-catchy tune. The little interlude near the end allows a break from the crazy-in-your-head chorus and could be great for a hardcore dance solo.
Overall: ★★★★☆
I've watched this PV maybe around 10 times? I'm not sure I lose count. This is brilliantly filmed with all the different angles and especially the close up of the members. Too bad the back row wasn't really showcased. I'd liked to see more Saho and Haruppi.  Senbatsu is brilliant, in my honest opinion. Although, we could've done with a switcheroo on Yuirii for Ayanan (personal tastes--she is known as the sexy one in T4). All in all...Yuko, you are perfect. ahsjdkhasjkdhasd.

Party is Over Music Video

Costume: ★★★★☆
Everyone looks so pretty in this costume~ I really like the design because it suits the song very well in my opinion. The hair piece may look like a mess because I think they just randomly made one for each of them, but they are so pretty~~ Especially Yuko, Mayuyu, Paruru, Takamina and everyone!.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
In the MV, it didn't really include a lot of dance choreography scene so I can't really review on it, but it seems like it doesn't include any extreme or complicated dance segment as this song is more focused on the actual song. One part I find weird the the hand movement during "Itsu kimi to mata aeru no?"...
Song: ★★★★☆
I think all of you guys know that I love these ballad type of song now already after telling it over and over again ahahah... When I first saw the title, I was thinking of how Aki-p named it this after the first ever AKB song was "Party ga hajimaru" and I bet everyone was thinking the same as me. I guess this is the actual starting point of the next chapter then. The overall song is pretty good, I just don't like the weird foreign language part and after listening to a couple of times, it will feel like the song drags on too long.
Overall: ★★★★☆
The MV has gotta be one of the best directed MV ever....!! It is just so... I don't know the word that means it is trying to implying something... but anyways... There are so many clues that are leading the audience or trying to imply that Aki-p has chosen Owada Nana as the next ace, for example her being the center for this song, and her reading the "I want to be Idol!" magazine. But I'm sorry Nana... I actually prefer Kojimako as the next ace because she has that feel more to me, you are still awesome though~ Also, I was surprised to see Nagao Mariya being part of the senbatsu~

Costume: ★★★★☆
I really love this costume. It's so classy and elegant. A toned-down version of this would be really pretty for an office party. The black and white really accentuate the serious atmosphere of the PV and provides a mature look for the members. Even our young, first-time centre looked poised. 
Dance: ★★★
An awesome dance from an awesome senbatsu! The intro would have been great if they were in time more though. The dance is not exactly fast-paced but there are many quick dance moves that make the performance look really sleek. I did notice how everyone's facial expressions were very serious and dead-pan. Paruru looked the same as usual though. I guess "party is over" is not exactly something to be happy about. But dayum, those solo dance shots of the three musketeers+Naanya are pure win! Especially Kojimako's side body rolls! Very Nice!
Song: ★★★☆☆ 
It's strange, I think I liked this song more when I first heard it. But now I sort of dislike it. I never did like the DJ mix part with the scratching. And now that I've listened to the song for more than enough times, I find it really bland and boring. Maybe it's the instrumental. Maybe it's the lack of change in tones. I just know, that this song will be thrown into the forgotten-songs pile. Honestly, I don't think this song has much relation to Naanya being the next ace. This is just another song about unrequited love, in my opinion. Besides we have Kojimako waiting in line first.
Overall: ★★★
I truly do love this PV, if it weren't for the lack of interest in the song, I would've rated this 4 stars. There is a thing that does irritate me though. The blending in of faces during the close up shots. It really creeps me out. The shot with the blending of Naanya and Miichan's face is really scary. There's heaps of random cuts too. Sometimes it works and other times it just looks messy. But wow, the amount of Musketeer screen time...It's practically the new gen's single. I do love how they are dancing near the water side. The PV is certainly very different from the norm. Unlike the lyrics, it does send a message to the audience, the next chapter has begun.

Escape Music Video

Costume: ★★★★★
Maybe not everyone thinks that this costume is cool or special in any ways and it is just like any (cool)casual clothings, but I reckon everyone look so cool in it and suits the song so well! I wonder how some of them can dance this in skinny jeans and tight skirts... The costume I really love is Rena's (keeps on reminding me of Gekikara), Airin's (her hat is awesome!), Yuria and Nonchan looking gorgeous as always, ikemen SKE leader and of course... Juju!! I was going to give the costume a four star out of five, but then I just couldn't resist Jurina's waist and belly button... The costume designer sure does know that Juju's belly button is perfect after her promoting it in the Youtube weekly video! o(≧∇≦o) (Vid 1 / Vid 2)
Dance: ★★★★★
The whole performance is just so captivating and amazing... with the dance choreography known to be harder than UZA which was also known to be one of the hardest choreography in AKB family, just how can't you not love it and give it a five star right? End of story.
Song: ★★★★☆
This song is totally the type of song that I will instantly fall in love with and man... I love every little bit of this song especially the accompany of the piano which is played by AzumaRion!!! Some parts may sound a little bit pitchy but I really like the song overall. It is really unique as well where they pause for a few second until the finale! When I was listening to the radio rip version, it paused there and I was thinking how the song ended at a unusual spot, so I just closed my browser (I was listening to it on the phone) but then when the full actual version came out, it continued from that pause and I was like "Wait a minute... What!?" (」゜ロ゜)」
Overall: ★★★★★
Aki-P I thank you so much for writing this song for SKE!! This song has gotta be my favourite track from this single as I have been craving a cool dance song for either Jurina or SKE~ The song, the costume and the dance choreography is just too perfect for me and I'm not being bias here or anything. But one thing that I may prefer is that the members get more even screentime in the PV, because it is really obvious that the wMatsui got more screentime than others, as well as Minarun. Even though I said that, I'm also glad at the same time that there's so many shots of Juju~ Her waist...bellybutton.. and that mesmerising stare...>///////< GYAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~ I just cannot stop thinking about it, and brainwashing myself with the gifs and rewatching those scenes~~ *fangirling mode on* And after the pause how they all strip and took off their jacket.... Matsui Jurina, girl you are just too damn cool, hot, sexy, pretty, gorgeous and beautiful! ヽ(*´Д`*)ノ You just made me fell in love with you all over again~

Costume: ★★★★☆ 
May I just say, this might be one of the most badass costumes I've ever seen SKE done. Like seriously, black leather Jackets, spiked sequins, splashed colours of red and stressed, black tights. You can't get any more badass than that. ALSO. MATSUI JURINA. Midriffs are illegal on you kay' 
Dance: ★★★★★
This dance is flippin' awesome. It's crammed with skill, electrifying, new dance moves and totally IMPOSSIBLE to learn. Another brilliant SKE dance. This dance just screams COOL. I love how they incorporated a little bit of partner dancing too. ALSO. NAO I see that smirk. That freakin-awesome-badass smirk of yours when you're shaking your upper body to the floor. Now, I really really want to see this live.
Song: ★★★☆☆ 
Another heavily EDM based song from Sakae. Of course the performance, the "x-factor", the dance, the spx, are all very awesome and very cool. But will I listen to this song much? Probably not. I will definitely watch the PV a few hundred times or so. Okay. Let's get to the lyrics. "歳の差なんて関係ないでしょ?" ~The age gap doesn't matter~ If this does not hint a certain ship pairing, I don't even know what does. *whispers* it's JuriMari 
Overall: ★★★★☆
Great PV. Great concept. Great dancing. I totally enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it will be a rare moment when I do start enjoying more EDM music. But we shall see, a la Kamonegix. Azumarion you are a prodigy. Seriously, how can you not love her playing that floating keyboard out of nowhere. She's like "I will sway you with my piano playing" . One thing I would've like to see was more screen time for the other members excluding the front row. *facepalm* I saw hardly any faces from the back row, except when the dance formation changed. Why so little screen time for Nannan! Mizuho centering, does very little for me. She doesn't really much have a presence. The lighting and setting of this PV was absolutely perfect.

君と出会って僕は変わった / Kimi to Deatte Boku wa Kawatta Music Video

Costume: ★★★★☆
I categorize all the seifuku and I consider this one to be in the top 2 list ahahah xD Because my favourite style of seifuku is blazer with checkered skirt~ Y'all might think that I'm weird and all but c'mon... You gotta agree that Japanese seifukus are all so pretty~ But I don't get why during the dance scene they have some dyed hair... I don't think they will need it and it would be better without it.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
I think the dance choreography suited the song really well~ I especially love the part where they hold hand and spin together and I don't know what else to talk about ahahah. ( ̄◇ ̄;)
Song: ★★★☆☆
Compare with last year', this song didn't really reach the same level as "HA!" in my opinion, but I think this is a pretty song. I really love the beginning of the chorus where they sing "君と出会って僕は変わった...", really love their voices during that line~
Overall: ★★★★☆
This MV is kind of like how "Sansei Kawaii" was directed, where they promoted the place where the MV is filmed. I really like this MV a lot, because every NMB girl look so pretty and happy having fun in Osaka~ And I was like "Oh! I've been to that place as well" when I saw the places where they were at. The only thing I hate is why they have to add the random comedians into the MV as well... I reckon they just completely ruin the beauty of the MV.

Costume: ★★★ 
I love this costume/seifuku. It's so pretty *^* the ribbon is a nice touch too. It really suits the school girl-vibe and the PV.  I also really like those highlights! Obviously, the Namba girls aren't allowed to dye their hair. So it's nice to see a change.
Dance: ★★★
A great dance to match the song. The spinning around in trios are very neat and cute. I love the clapping as well. Although far from another "HA!", I'd actually like to see the dance version of this. I think they could've had some more different dance formations though. Nagisa centre, Shu in the second row..they're really pushing the young'uns hey.
Song: ★★★☆☆ 
This was the first b-side I heard from this single and my first impression was that I had no impression. Sadly, my view on this song hasn't changed much since then. But I do enjoy the PV alot more than the song. You could say the opposite for the title song. It's sort of like another "Kesshou" or "Okuba". The only difference is, I really enjoyed those songs. Although, I really love the lyrics: 
I loved Crowded trains
Because there was no gap between people
Even without measuring
The distance
Between our hearts
It didn't feel artificial

Overall: ★★★☆☆
This song fell somewhat short. I reckon NMB could do better. Also I'm not exactly fond of the whole throwing in a KKS to be a one-time centre for a b-side. There are plenty of other girls who need the attention much more. The scenery and filming were quite pretty. I like the rotating camera around Sayanne, Milky and Nagisa, but it would've been nice to seen some more screen time for the members near the back. Especially Uuka! I mean come on, even Saepii got more screen time. BII needs so much more exposure! Yuipon got one close up. ONE. I'm in concurrence with Taka, those comedians are certainly very random. Even for Osaka's owarai image. 

ウインクは3回 / Wink wa Sankai Music Video

Costume: ★★★☆☆
I don't get it but why do I just have this thing with seifukus and checkered clothings (I wear them alot and have a bunch of them in my closet) ... This costume is so adorable~ and so colourful as well with the different colour fluff at the edge of the dress, the sparkling stars on the jacket and everything~
Dance: ★★★☆☆ 
Along with the song, the dance choreography is so cute as well~ They are all so cute and adorable~ Everything about this song wait... everything about HKT is adorable~ Especially when they hop sideways three times at the start of the chorus~ It just makes me wanna go and hug them~ Ok, I know I sound like a pedo now ahahah.
Song: ★★★☆☆
The very typical idoly cutesy song as always, this song suited HKT very well because they are all cute lolis ahahah~ I don't hate the song or love the song, but I don't think that I will select the song to play from my playlist when I start listening to my music, but I won't skip the song as well.
Overall: ★★★★☆
Man, this MV is so colourful and bright that my eye can't open anymore LOL! I love everyone's wink scene especially Sasshi and Murashige~ They never fail to make me laugh! The overall MV is too adorable how they wink to make the guys fall in love with them ahahha~ Be the queen of the school by making all the guy fall in love with them~ Jeez the guys are all so stupid but I guess I'm the same because Juju always make my heart skip a beat whenever she winks and I think this is also one of the reason why I love her so much~ Don't I always go off topic and talk about my KamiOshi ahaha~

Costume: ★★★★☆ 
Laughing at how kiddy these costumes are and so very much HKT. So bright, colourful, frilly, all over the place and fluffy hair accessories. What's there not to love? ;) 
Dance: ★★★
This dance is SUPER CUTE. The hearts, the winks, the over-the-top smiles and the shorty centre *0* so freaking adorable. Okay, so no there isn't much change in dance formation or any dance moves that requite much skill but I just love the way HKT dance. Anything they do has a different charm to all the other sister groups. As the youngest sister group, they have the power to have dance choreography like this and still make it look fresh and enjoyable.
Song: ★★★☆☆ 
Well here it is. Hakata at its usual. Sadly, I'm not sure when we will get a mature song and a stop to all these bubble gum pop releases. As for now, I'll grin and bear it. I do love me some idol pop but I enjoy them best when watching them performed not listening to it on my ipod. The lyrics are unbaringly cheesy and lovey dovey about being able to wink and have boys fall at the knees. Besides, isn't Nakochan a bit young for this?
Overall: ★★★
In the end, I just fell for the HKT babies and had to rate them 4 stars. Nakochan, you are honestly the best centre for this song and now I can't imagine any other member centering this song. Shorty centre is only 138cm! I think Mikuchan better watch out, Shorty centre is eyeing my 3rd gen oshi status. I loved the over the tope spx with the stars the sparkly winks and the sound effects were really comedic and kept it entertaining. I also really loved how the close ups were of members in pairs: Sakaruppi: the original centres, Merumio: the new centres, MadoNatsu: the mature, cool beauties (btw, Natsu is so freaking cute bopping her fists up and down next to Morippo and then looking up to her like a lost puppy ahsdjashkdj too cute!) and RabuSasshi: the Older sister and the mother. Okapan and Kyappu pretend-walking in and out of focus are super adorable too. OK. Let's talk about the best winks. Sheegs you are so so freaking hillarious haha I actually fell on the floor when you winked. As usual Sasshi is OUT. Okay maybe it's my bias showing but Chiichan definitely holds the title. That is one dangerous wink. Haruppi in kendou gear *^* it just reminds me of Kiss Made with Mayuyu ahhhh~ Both are beautiful. Okay last comments: Bossu! and Riinu! congrats on getting into senabtsu 8D 

LOVE修行 / LOVE Shugyou Music Video

Costume: ★★★☆☆
Checkered dress?? Why not! I love this costume even if I gave it only three stars out of five~ But I reckon they all should have the same design as in they all should have sleeves because I think the ones without sleeves is kind of weird.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
This choreography is well-produced in my opinion, with the title of the song being "LOVE Shugyo" relating to ninja in a way ahahah. I love all the parts that are ninja like for example when they do hand gesture and the ninja runs~ I also love the ending pose as well when they form a love heart as shown in the picture above in the middle top column~
Song: ★★★★☆
Because I joined the AKB fandom after Sayonara Crawl was released and I normally don't listen to the KKS songs on the theatre editions, I didn't hear this song until watching the draft member profile video on Youtube for Aeri-chan (My draft-oshi~) I love the song the first time I listened to it and was like "dang it! I really need to find the name of the song and listen to the full version!" But I didn't and when I started watching this MV, I was thinking how the beginning of the song sounds so familiar and then the chorus came, I was throwing my arms into the air and was like.."Finally I found you!" \(*T▽T*)/ But the song overall is pretty okay, I just really love the chorus that starts with "目と目が合った瞬間..."
Overall: ★★★☆☆
Is this the first KKS song that gets a MV and properly recorded onto a single?? Maybe it is not because I don't really know anything about KKS...I'm sorry because I know I should try know every member... _:(´□`」 ∠):_ But the overall song is pretty good~ especially it made me want to find the song and listen to it just by listening to the beginning of the chorus~ And one thing that I wanna say... Hilary was still a KKS when this song was recorded!? I thought that she was in Team K for ages like from last year...! This shows just how much I don't know about a lot of the members.... ahahhaha...(。-_-。)

Costume: ★★☆☆ 
I don't really like this costume much. I know they probably tried for a varied look. But you probably wouldn't notice that some were wearing sleeve-less and others with sleeves unless you were actually reviewing their costume -ahem-. I agree with Taka, those sleeve-less dresses look terrible, it would've been better if they kept it consistent. I like the idea of the sashes though, because obviously the common fan would probably not know many of the KKS apart from the three musketeers. 
Dance: ★★★☆☆
Very cute concept but not really much choreography going on. It's more of a comedic act with the idea of "Love training". The three musketeers doing the ninja running was absolutely comedy gold. Also, wow. It's really weird seeing Miki centering instead of Kojimako. Hopefully Naachan is up next >_< I really like the setting though, It's very european with all those rose-petals it also reminds me of Bara no Kajitsu haha. So much red. 
Song: ★★★ 
I remember listening to this song when Sayokuro came out, and I was wondering wow these are KKS singing this? Too bad, I didn't dwell into it anymore. I only recently started following KKS(T4). This is a really nice song with typical love lyrics. But how can you train yourself to love someone? hmmm...
Overall: ★★★☆☆
This is a pretty PV. Excluding the solo shots with the glaring diamonds. Were they really necessary? Yuurin that puffed up cheek you kept doing...was waaay too cute ^_^ Surprisingly Mitsuki and Mogi didn't look too much like towers in this PV. Maybe because of the wide shot. In case anyone was wondering, this whole senbatsu was originally all KKS but now they're all in their respective teams *wipes a tear* they're all grown up now haha. Majority of them are in Team 4. Miyupon, Hillary, and Yukarun were the first to be promoted at this years Budokan concert!

選んでレインボー / Erande Rainbow / Tentoumu Chu! (Theatre)
Song: ★★☆☆
This song is so-so I guess but I still prefer "Kimi Dake ni Chu! Chu! Chu!" because it is just much cuter and suits them more in my opinion. I agree with RUBS that they should just leave theatre edition song to the KKS and not Tentoumu Chu!... I really love them especially because there is Uha, but if the management really want to promote them and write a song for them then they should just release a single for them and give the theatre to the KKS and give them a chance.

Song: ★★☆☆ 
I probably should rate this song lower, since "Kimi Dake ni Chu! Chu! Chu!" is a thousand times better and yet I rated Kimi dake two stars. Ha. Well anyway, I don't like this song purely because it's quite boring. The chorus is not upbeat and just forgettable. Sorry for bashing this song, but hgonestly the ratio of things I like this song to thins I don't like about this song is basically incomparable. Maybe putting in a PV for this song could've improved my attitude to this song. Anyway, please go back to KKS songs. Tentoumu Chu! have enough exposure as they are. Maybe, the song quality will get better too.


  1. Woah, I must say the title is quite a mouthful :P

    1. Thanks for commenting!
      It sure is. I was quite chuffed when I remembered the full title :)


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