Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Rubberball's Rambles #2 Team K Stage Performance 2012.11.01

Current Team K
banner made by RUBS
Theatre performances have always been a major appeal point for me. I think it's the differentiating factor between a normal, run of the mill Idol group and the 48 group. I have started watching theatre performances quite religiously recently and I enjoy each and everyone of them. Of course, some I enjoy more than others. So I thought I would review them and maybe translate some interesting MCs that occur/have occurred and show some interesting antics the girls have. 
As I am only a 10 month-old fan, I have a lot of catching up to do with the 48 group history so I have been watching some LODs (Live on Demand-website where you can watch the performances live) from late 2009 straight through to recent ones. Today's performance is quite a special one. It's Team K's first day performance (shonichi) as the new Team K since the Tokyo Dome 2012 shuffle.

This was a great shonichi and the setlist is pretty good but I prefer the June 2013 setlist with the new units. You can view the setlists here. I love how they performed the 1st three songs of the first three original Team K stages, very nostalgic. Also Scrap & Build has a very strong K-vibe so the beginning of the stage was already quite high tensioned. But you know what hurts? 
Seeing all those already graduated members performing. Some, I wasn't even in the fandom until after they graduated, members whom I really like (Nakayan, Yuttan, Natsumi). And of course, whenever seeing Sayaka and her strong presence in Team K, really hits the heart, hard. Don't even get me started on not seeing Sae in a Team K performance. Sigh. Sorry for the depressing note. I'll get on with the show.

During the self introductions, Mocchi made a silly mistake...

Apologise to Abemaru! that's right Nakayan slap her! hahahha so cute. Onto the units!
Himawari, is a great song! I've watched various versions and I must say my favourite is Team E's current line up with Meimei, Kinchan, Umechan and Igucchi. This version fell a little flat for me. But Yuka looked stunning with her fringe pinned up. oh by the way, during the self intros Yuko pointed out she and Haru had the same hairstyle, and our Takoyaki girl was not pleased ahhahah.

I don't know, Kataomoi no Taikakusen is a great song, but I never enjoy it being performed. Maybe it's the costuming, it's too messy looking. Arashi no yoru ni wa, on the other hand was brilliant! Abemaru, you're so cool! Man I sort of miss her long hair now. She suits this song so much! and of course Mocchi looked flawless as per usual. I really loved this line up! I also really enjoyed Nakayan's voice.

I never thought you could kill a song so badly. Especially a great song like "Anata to Christmas eve". Now, I know Tomochin was never known for her singing abilities (god knows why she even has a solo career) but this was seriously a bad management choice. A duet with Yuttan and Sayaka, now that would've been wonderful. But as a non-fan of Tomochin's voice as she is, putting her next to Sayaka, now that's sacrilege. 

Yuko's version of Glory Days was pretty good! But I'm used to Team 4's version now especially with Umetan being in it, so I prefer that version. But swap Mikichan for Yuko any day, please.

Oh man, A4 is my favourite Team A stage, seeing Team K perform Tadaima Renaichuu in those dark costumes was pretty epic. Especially following up with Alive, and Honest Man! Both songs, I really love. I realised this stage has numerous amounts of Team B songs. Hashire Penguin was fun and enjoyable to watch, but something always looks missing when they don't wear the penguin costumes.

The medley was exceedingly fast, from Kodoku na Runner, Tsuyokimono yo, to Zetsumetsu Kurokami Shoujo and then literally "rolling" out to perform Koraguru ishi ni nare. Although it seemed rushed, it was very fast-paced and exciting to watch.

During the MC, Mocchi was being...well, typical Mocchi. hahahha Also, I've never seen Naana acting so hyper.

They were on the topic of how they call Nagao Mariya's name. Yuttan calls her Mariyagi, Yuko jokingly called her Yagimari. Mocchi...

Mocchi: Well for me, I call her "メメ" (I'm not sure what she meant by this, but probably something to do with ears)
Yuttan: You're always like this! I totally do not understand this at all.
Mocchi: Tehehe, it's because it's Mariyagi ^___^
Mariyagi: Kuramochi-san is always eating my ear.
Yuuko: *Pulls her away from the ear-predator* It's better if you be careful around her.
Mocchi: I found my next target ^____^ Her dressing room is next to mine...so yeah I really enjoy it.

Yuttan: ~Iyadaaa~ I dislike this, even your eyes are glistening.
Yuuko: Ah, I sort of see Meetan in you
Yuttan: ~Arigatou, Ganbatte ne~ (in Meetan's erotic, husky voice) 

Seeing Sayaka in UZA * ^ * words cannot explain, how ecstatic I was. During the encore, I felt this was a really weak audience, they all sounded really flat and not enthusiastic. Usually there are a couple of wotas who scream their voices hoarse, but this time none. 

Encore was pretty damn good. Very upbeat and cheery, just like Hebirote and First rabbit should be. And then finishing up on an emotional note with Sougen no Kiseski straight after Sayaka's wise words to the new captain, and Yuuko getting teary.

Anway, all up. It was a great Team K performance with interesting MCs. I might write another on the new Team A's shonichi as well. 
But for now, ~Mata Kitena!~

*All gifs made by RUBS


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