Before moving onto the review... I would like to congratulate AKB48 for continuing the million sale streak by achieving an approximate number of 1.091 million copies sold for this single and to the fans for reaching over 100,000,000 views on Youtube for the iconic MV "Heavy Rotation" in remembrance of Yuko.
前しか向かねえ / Mae Shika Mukanee Music Video
Costume: ★☆☆☆☆ / Performance Costume: ★★★★☆
Don't even talk to me about the costume in the MV... Can't they just wear what they wear during the performance? They just have to use the one from the campaign they are currently doing...( ̄□ ̄;)It doesn't even suit the setting as well...Moving on to the performance costume (The actual costume for this single in my opinion) I absolutely love this single's costume!! Checkered... My favourite plus skirt with shirt and a tie... bonus for me and add all this up is just perfect...! Really love the details they have gone through as well! I have realised that the patterens on the inner edge of the jacket is all different for each member, this is the same for their belt.
Dance: ★★★★★
For me to rate a dance choreography five stars... It has gotta be either a really cool dance or one that the members enjoy and have alot of fun with, for example Escape, Sansei Kawaii and KFC (our blog weren't formed when KFC came out but I would've rate it 5 stars) and this one is a five stars for me because can't you see that the members all have so much fun performing?? It's so simple yet every performance is so enjoyable because the members are happy and having fun. Not saying that they are not having fun during the others but this one just feels different.... and I love how Yuko swings the mike stands around in the beginning (≧▽≦) although she has gotta be careful that the mike doesn't fly away again. ( ̄ω ̄)
Song: ★★★★☆
Instead of a sad song for Yuko's graduation single, this song is so upbeat and energetic just like Yuko!! I always find myself singing to the chorus especially the "Wow Wow...!" part and going crazy that my rents thinks I'm weird (I'm weird anyways since I'm an Aquarius)( ̄ω ̄) Really love the lyric of how doesn't matter if the future looks scary, you got to keep on moving forward. Even though they all said that this might be Yuko's last song, but I am sure that Aki-P will write her a graduation song as well.
Overall: ★★★★☆
Overall... This is a pretty good single's song. Other than the stupid MV costume and MV itself... Song, dance choreography and performance costume is pretty high up in my standard. If the MV were perfect then this would've been a five stars song for me, but no..! Stupid management or production team doing this stupid setting and gay costume for Yuko's last single...!? C'mon....! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
Costume: ★☆☆☆☆ / Performance Costume: ★★★★☆
Costume in the PV is just eugh. The baitoru campaign they are currently participating in probably contracted AKB to wear this costume in the PV. I wonder how much they paid AKS...
Performance costume is a whole lot better. At least it doesn't look cheap! You can't get any cheaper than wearing chip/snack packets. I really like the gold detailing, it has a royal look and reminds me of dragons. I especially love Yuko's little crown, sitting on her hand slanted. So small and cute, but very Yuko and meaningful enough.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
There's not much of a dance. There's more fist pumping, head banging, and jumping up and down than any sort of choreography. Yuko's mike swinging is both dangerous and damn epic! I think, this time they tried too hard to fit the dance into the "rock" theme that they forgot to put in any actual dance moves. But I really love the live performances, because it looks so fun! and everyones' epic rock star faces are double win!
Song: ★★★★☆
Wow what an uplifting, genki song! Extremely easy to sing along to and the live performances are wicked. This is such a great graduation song and is extremely Yuko (I'm adamant that she will get another graduation song at SSA). Just focusing on looking towards the future instead of singing about the things she will miss about AKB. I especially love the instrumental too. The guitar lines are very clean and although the chord progression is basic, it's extremely catchy and sounds fun to play.
Overall: ★★★☆☆
As a whole, this song is pretty solid. But I have to rate it down for the costume, the cheap effects and lack of setting. I mean I expected flower petals raining down where'er Yuko walked, but I got none of that. The PV does not have any scene changes, it just looks like a sad rip-off of Melon Juice.
昨日よりもっと好き / Kinou Yori Motto Suki Music Video
Costume: ★★★☆☆
Even though it is school uniform with ties, a blazer and checkered skirts and everything else that I love a lot, this style of uniform is not really my taste. I'm just not that really into short blazers and poofy skirts that are like tight around the waist, no saying that this uniform is ugly, it is pretty actually but just not my taste...
Dance: ★★★☆☆
The MV only included a little bit of the dance choreography during the chorus scene, but it is just like those typical idol dance moves I guess so it's just average for me this time.
Song: ★★★☆☆
Typical idoly song from AKB again, but what can I expect since they are an idol group. The song is not that bad but not unique or catchy enough for me to love it.
Overall: ★★★☆☆
Overall it is a pretty average song, the MV is filmed pretty well in my opinion. Not every member got equal amount of screentime (is impossible in 48G to get equal screentime anyways...), but the producer was able to capture the girl's smiles really well when they were painting the sakura tree on the ground. The soft lighting used throughout the whole pv was pretty too. I just want to point out one thing... The tree featured in this MV is that same tree which was featured in Sakura no Ki ni narou... I might be wrong (I'm pretty sure I'm right though) but a lot of features of the tree are the same, they just filmed it from a different angle. ( ̄ω ̄)
Costume: ★★★★☆
Costumes are really pretty. But I'm a fan of preppy school uniform, so I'm already swayed. I also like the little bows in their hair.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
The MV didn't really have much dance scenes but I could see enough to tell that it's the typical dance moves, with the arms flapping up and down.
Song: ★★★☆☆
A very safe, typical song that is reminiscent of many 48 group songs. Would like to see an UG song that steps out of the square. But nonetheless catchy song with a mid-beat tempo and soothing chorus, however nothing special.
Overall: ★★★☆☆
Safe song. Safe MV. Nothing to rave about. School dramas have been done god-knows how many times. The story line is unoriginal and boring --generic student-teacher love. The lighting was really pretty though *^*
君の嘘を知っていた / Kimi no Uso wo Shitteita Music Video
Costume: ?????
Is this their costume for the song??? I'm guessing or more like 99% sure that it isn't, so I don't really know how to rate on the costume for this song....
Dance: ?????
Same with costume, this music video or more like a preview of a movie just showed us the story line of this movie (It might be the drama of this year....! But I'm still waiting for a Majisuka Season 4), there is no dance scene in it so I cannot rate it...Kitarie did dance a bit though ( ̄ω ̄)
Drama: ★★★★☆
Since RUBS did a Drama review so I might do it as well... this drama actually looks interesting...! Didn't really get the whole plot of what is actually going on but I'm guessing from using my crappy Japanese skills...
This drama focuses on lust and doubt/suspicion as theme??? and I think that Nao and Yagi are half sisters. Same father, different mother and Nao was brought up by Akicha who gave her everything because of their money and Yagi who was abandoned by Kitarie??. Even though Nao has everything and can have anything she wants, she was jealous when she saw Yagi being happy, because I think Nao doesn't have that pure/true happiness (This is why they all say money can't buy you happiness(´・_・`)) Therefore she decided to make Mocchi (Yagi's friend perhaps) steal Yagi's boyfriend and get pregnant by giving her money. Then Reinyan decides to steal Akicha and Nao's money and they then chases her in the car. This is the bit where I got a bit confused... But I think Yagi is hanging out with Mochi and her "boyfriend" along with the baby, and since she is jealous and upset about everything, she pretends that she tripped and the baby ended up in the middle of the road. Out of nowhere, Rena comes to rescue the baby but instead was hit by Akicha and Nao's car, don't know what happened to Rena after that but Akicha got into some serious injuries... Don't know what is the other story about (Maybe kidnapping or sexual assults??) and how Yagi is coughing out blood and ended up in hospital...
Song: ★★★☆☆
It is not that bad and I can totally imagine this song being the opening song for the drama. Just like how RUBS feel, the chorus is kind of annoying and I like the verses more than the chorus, even though normally it is the chorus that is the highlights of the song.
Overall: ★★★☆☆
A little bit above average due to the interesting plot line, I would've given it a 3.5 stars but since I cannot find half filled star symbol... I rate it 3 because of the unfair amount of screentime allocated to each individual member. I don't even know who is in senbatsu other than Nao, Yagi, Akicha, Kitarie, Mocchi, Reinyan, Sumire and Rena. ( ´_ゝ`)
I think the costumes are just the casual clothing, TAKA. They can be costumes, even if they're not wearing the same clothes you know. Not going to rate them though because they're all wearing different clothing. Some looked too young to be wearing this sort of clothing and others it suited really well. A lot of them just looked like pimps
Drama: ★★★☆☆
There's no dance scene, unless you want to count Kitarie's dance solo (which is awesome btw). So I'll just attempt to rate whatever I can get out of the drama. God..It's harder to analyse an AKB drama than an essay article for school. First of all, the kanji flew by waaaay too fast for me to read, not that I could read most of it anyway though. The beginning reminded me of a trailer for a dramatic thriller. Yagi's face was made for these dark scenes. She's a real, cool beauty.
Anyway what I got out of this drama was; Nao and Yagi are sisters whom seem to be quite well off. Yagi happened to be more successful in finding true love and Nao became jealous thus starts plotting against her by hiring Mocchi (all that money yo) and Mocchi (that naughty girl) ends up getting pregnant with Yagi's man, and Yagi takes this into her own hands by killing off her baby? (damn these girls are capital D, dangerous). And then for some reason Nozawa Rena just comes into the end as an ally of Justice? (like how were you even connected to the story). I'm not too sure about the side stories (it's too complex and confusing) but I think Reinyan is the maid of Yagi and Nao's residence and she ran away with their money. Kitarie has like some sugar daddy, where they even share couple necklaces.
Song: ★★★☆☆
Not exactly generic. But there's something about this song that just doesn't click. The chorus is a little annoying. It sort of sounds like a bad rip-off of 10 krone to pan. Coupling songs are not looking too strong so far.
Overall: ★★★☆☆
The song is okay. The whole PV was gorgeous though. I feel the camera work and colouring worked really well. And the plot albeit, one of the most messiest and confusing things I've ever seen seemed really interesting and sort of touched upon Ikiru Koto aspects (but Ikiru was a lot more well done, because they didn't have five billion plots). I also didn't like how unequal the amount of screen time was. I don't think I even saw AbeMaru anywhere...Props to Yagi though, she looked amazing.
秘密のダイアリー / Himitsu no Diary Music Video
Costume: ★★★☆☆
Cute uniform but then one-piece dress is not my kind of seifukus...
Dance: ?????
Another music video without any dance scene in it.. Meh don't really mind anyways since if it's all just dancing sometimes then it would get quite boring as well. MV with stories are always enjoyable~
Drama: ★★★★☆
This plotline is so cute and sweet~ Writing messages to each other through a book~ and that is how you get them girls LOL!! Jokes. Don't even know if the person that Juri is writing to is a boy or a girl... (Probably a boy since the person uses the pronoun of "Boku" but some girls do use "Boku" as well and the fact that they are in a girls school since I don't see any guys??) But how can that person reject meeting up with Juri...! Even if you don't have the courage to meet up with Juri in person, you should at least try...! I always wondered what happens if another person reads that book and finds the messages inside....
Song: ★★★☆☆
Cute song with beautiful soft vocals by the baby elephants.
Overall: ★★★☆☆
Everything to do with this song is so cute and adorable since it is "baby elephants". Costume is cute, the drama plot line is cute, song is cute too. But overall the song is pretty average to me and I have nothing else to talk about...
Costume: ★★★★☆
I love this costume! It's really preppy and cute and very British.
Drama: ★★★★★
I don't mind that there's no dance scene, I prefer PVs like these that actually mean something. I'm also a M so I enjoy these PVs filled with emotions and nostalgic throw backs. The friendship between the main three is truly beautiful and the little intro in the beginning with Juri and Tano on the bicycle and Ryoka pushing behind just hit me in the feels chord. You can't get that sort of chemistry and atmosphere over any random three girls. Juri, Ryoka, and Tano are actually really close friends, so that's why this PV worked so well. Also is it just me, or does this senbatsu look really good? I have a minute bias towards to kurokami though...
The storyline was simple but meaningful about a friendship built on secret messages, exchanged through the diary of secrets. I usually don't enjoy school dramas (because they've been done to death) but I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Song: ★★★★☆
Once again, a song that is playing it safe. However, I really like these sort of songs. No. not generic songs, but songs that have a mellow tone and a sweet chorus, like this. I also really like Juri's voice.
Overall: ★★★★★
Love this PV to death. Is it weird that I cried over how beautiful it was? The lighting and scenery reminded me of a Japanese Indie film about school friendship. I mean yeah, this sort of school drama has been over done for the history of AKB but I still love a little bit of nostalgia
KONJO Music Video
Costume: ★★★★☆
This uniform is just like those typical seifukus but they are the ones that I love sooo much...!! I don't think I need to explain why I love them~ And the sports uniform is just a bonus. If you guys watch those school animes, and know how the male characters think whenever there is a sport lesson on then you will probably know what I am talking about ( ̄ω ̄)
Dance: ★★★★☆
A really powerful dance that accompanies the song and the title itself really well, but you can see the flaws of the performance that the members were out of sync with each other. Maybe if they practise more together, the performance would look much more neater and sharper.
Song: ★★★★☆
This song has gotta be the best out of all the songs included in this single. Everything about this song is perfect. The instrumental sounds epic, vocal was great, chorus gets stuck in your head and that guitar solo in the end... I was playing this song on repeat while doing this review...!! (* >ω<)
Overall: ★★★★☆
Is it just for this single that the directors really love making the pv into like a drama preview or an opening of a drama?? Overall the song is pretty awesome...! There's always that one song which stands out alot from others in a single and this song is it. Can I just say one thing.... Don't know why but Churi looks so hot and cool during the dance scenes in this MV ahahhaha...
Costume: ★★☆☆☆
I'm not a fan of sports wear, especially since I don't even like team sports. The seifuku looks boring and generic. I've always wondered are they wearing actual school's uniform?
Dance: ★★★★☆
Really strong dance about motivation and fighting on. The execution was a little messy and out of time, but they probably learnt it on the day...I do like the break dance part though. That was really cool. Also the long, wide shot of all the girls dancing in the empty auditorium with the dark lighting made the scene look really epic. A very big contrast to the slightly comical drama (Karen's hand, Churi laying down surrounded by volleyballs, Tani rubbing her face against a daikon,
Song: ★★★★★
Epic song is epic! Fuaaahhhhhhh that chord progression in the beginning with the synthesizers (almost sounds like a Bowie song). Damn. Is it weird if I called this song hot?
Overall: ★★★★☆
This song is just so great, I can't get over it. It really pumps me up. Sure the message is generic, another "ganbarimasu" festival but that's not always a bad thing. I need some motivation in my life anyway. This PV probably has the most evenly distributed screen time, although Komariko is centre, she doesn't really stand out much, but she also didn't get as much screen time as the respective centres of the other coupling songs.
恋とか… / Koi to ka...
Song: ★★☆☆☆
Just like those average songs for me. The verses is pretty boring and slow which is why I don't enjoy this song as much even though I love ballad songs. The chorus is not that bad though.
Song: ★★☆☆☆
A ballad song with a climbing tempo. All time favourite theatre song, and one of my most favourite AKB songs is without a doubt Ano hi no fuurin. This song ranks a lot lower but, by far, not the worst. I enjoy the chorus, to some gets boring after half way.
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