Tuesday, 4 February 2014

48Group related goods that I bought from Japan...

Hello there everyone!!! o(≧▽≦)o It's TAKA here!!!
As you all can see from the title itself.... I'm gonna finally show the 48G related goods that I bought from Japan~ As a celebration of the success of SKE's concert in Nagoya Dome as well~

Last year, NESS, some other friends and I... We all went to Japan together for a graduation trip I guess like I've said before in my previous blogs...and I've also promised that I will make a blog post about my first ever AKB48 handshake event and the goods that I spent on...
That was at around the beginning of December last year that I said I would make a blog post "ASAP"... But January is almost ending already for 2014 and I still haven't make anything.... (ノ´д`) I'm very sorry that I was quite busy with work and university and everything else but today I finally got the time to do this!! (I've always got time but I'm just too lazy...)

I've bought some singles, albums, concert box, photos and other goods, and I think I spent over half of the spending money that I bought with me... I've estimated that I have spent approximately $600~700 AUD or maybe even more just on 48G related goods ahahah....( ̄ω ̄;)

It is not really interesting but here they are! ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Gif by TAKA
Top: KFC Theatre | Sansei Kawaii Theatre | Sansei Kawaii Type A
Middle: Oogoe | Tsuyokimono Yo theatre | Ereki Type K
Bottom: Uza Type A | S3 Seifuku no Me | Ereki theatre

These are the singles that I bought, I was so happy that Sansei Kawaii was released when I was in Japan so I got the single the day before it is released and the shop bonus from TowerRecords!! This is one of those experience I can't experience unless I'm in Japan and I also save on the shipping fees as well ... 
One thing I was so pissed about is that I was worried that TowerRecords were out of the shop bonus for Ereki (the Jurimayu photo), so I bidded and won one on ebay for quite alot, but when I arrived in Japan and went check.... THEY STILL HAD IT IN STOCK!! ( ≧Д≦) but I guess I didn't know if they had it or not anyways...
I'm happy with Uza, Oogoe, KFC and Seifuku no me I guess, because I have the complete set of UZA and KFC now!! and Oogoe because it's so expensive to buy online. I have to buy Seifuku no me because it is my favourite stage and now I always listen to the disc itself on my cd player~~
One thing I'm super duper happy with is that I found and bought the theatre edition of Tsuyokimono yo and it is unopened as well!! (´∇ノ`*)ノ We stumbled into a shop on the last day and I just happen to find it~ But at then, I couldn't decide whether I should buy it or not, because NESS and I ordered some akb goods as well on 7-11 net, and I only have about 5000 yen left... I bought it in the end because I think the theatre edition unopened of Tsuyokimono yo is hard to get (is it???) Till now, I still haven't open the single yet and I'm planning to keep it that way even though I really wanna open and see the inside of it...! It is so tempting!!! ( ≧Д≦)

These are the other goods that I bought from AKB48 and SKE48 shop. 
  • SKE48 5 yr anniversary clear file and mug
  • AKB48 sketch book
  • Jurina IC card sticker
  • Team K keychain
  • 1830m Album
  • Koko ni ita koto Album
  • AKB48 Rinji Soukai (SKE48 box)
  • Banzai Venus keyring
One of my goal for going to Japan is getting Rinji soukai and visit any 48G cafe... and I did buy my first ever 48G concert box!! I really like rinji soukai because of the sets and also the setlists as well~ I was so stupid though that I bought it from the AKB48 shop instead of the shop underneath the theatre or else I would've gotten a bonus photo.... 
Anyways...! I went to SKE48 cafe/shop in Nagoya!! By myself actually, because NESS and others wanted to "clothes shopping" and it is not really what I like doing... So I spent about a hr in Nagoya just visited the cafe/shop/theatre and sunshine sakae, and also the tower near sunshine sakae. I couldn't do more in Sakae, because of the tight schedules and I went during early night time... But I would definitely spend a day next time if I do go to Japan again! Oh, I ordered Neesan's greentea cheesecake and a cup of cappucino which was pretty nice but kinda of expensive... I also got a Futamura Haruka coaster~
I bought second hand 1830m and Koko ni ita koto without the photos with only a few hundred yen which I think was pretty good. Sorry NESS for taking the koko ni ita koto because I know you really wanted it and I just bought it lol... soz bro <(_ _)>
Maybe some of you might wonder why I bought the sketchbook, is it because I'm gonna draw in it? I gotta say... I can't draw AT ALL, the sketchbooks are for the online invoices, stickers on the single wrapping and anything to do with 48G (≧▽≦) And for the other stuffs.. I hang the banzai venus keyring on my bag and TK keychain on my phone, using that SKE mug for everything I drink and Jurina IC card sticker in my ticket pocket where I can see it when I go on public transports~(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

Now these are the other goods that I bought. I was going to put them all in the same photo but theres not enough space... The goods are AKB48 bag, AKB48 newspaper from the shop, AKB48 blanket, TK light stick and a very outdated 2012 calender box!
You all know how I went to a handshake event right? Well, We lined up in the goods sections because we wanted to see what they were selling, and I bought the bag, the blanket (I love blankets and I still sleep with a blanket...), TK light sticks, a Jurina oshi towel and a 5-cards pack which I got Nyan nyan in one of them! (They are not in here because I forgot about it and I cbbed to take another so....I'll post them in my handshake blog post!)
I bought the newspaper because I just wanted to buy one for memory and luckily Jurina is on the cover, so how can I not buy it~ She is so pretty~~~(ノ´ヮ´)ノ
About the calender box... I saw it on the shelf in one of the photo shop that I go almost everyday when I was in Tokyo and I couldn't believe the price they were selling it for.... They were selling it for 100 yen!! (((( ;°Д°)))) Well, I guess it is because it was for 2012 and this year is already 2014. But still the stuffs within the box was worth more 100 yen!! We were so lucky because there were 2 boxes, so NESS and I both bought one!! 

Now for the photos that I bought in Japan! The photos that I spent about $250 AUD or maybe even more on!!
Yes. I know. They are all Jurina photos. What do you expect from a Jurina oshi ahahahha~ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ So the above photos are my whole collection of Jurina photos! Only 4 of the photos (Ponytail shop bonus, Pareo wa emerald bonus, tokyo dome and Kiss datte bonus) are the ones I had already before the trip. So I bought exactly 66 photos in Japan and adding up to 70 photos for my collection~(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ 
Looking at my collection... it doesn't seem like I have a huge collection unlike those other wotas which countless folders for the photos...I wanted to buy more photos, but I ran out of money... I know I don't have alot of rare ones (because tbh.. they are too expensive...) and some of the photos are not even a set (For example... manatsu dome, request hour 2013, tokyo dome) But I'm pretty satisfied with my collection. ( ̄ω ̄) If any one of you out there have any Jurina photos that you would like to trade, I would be very glad to trade with one of my other photos if you find one that you want~
You guys may have realised already that I organised it from oldest to newest, because I think this way I can see the developement of Jurina and isn't she a fine lady now from being a cute baby~?

And just a bonus to my collection of 48G stuffs...This was the wonda coffee endorsement AKB48 members were doing, and I was trying to collect as much popular members as I can (★ω★) (or more like the members I'm more interested in...) I gotta say.... This milk coffee is pretty damn nice!! Especially from the warm drink vending machine!! I bought and drank more than 15 cans of this coffee just to collect them (ノ≧∀≦)ノ
I was pretty lucky that I got Mayu, Yuihan and Yukirin in the first few goes, but I got alot of double ups for Umechan and Ayaka... Near the end of my trip, I remembered I got two cans of Mayu and one for other members (I chuck the double ups of other members out) You all must be thinking why I got an extra Mayu can... It is because we have a Mayuyu oshi here so I gave it to her LOL (Well... NESS was the one that reminded me to keep one more for RUBS so RUBS you gotta thank NESS!!!) ( ̄ω ̄) 
And where did the Yuko can came from...??? Well... long story short.. (It was never a long story in the beginning anyways...!) I was trying out my luck by always buying the drink from vending machines because I thought only vending machines have them (Yes. I know I'm kinda stupid...) then on the second last night, NESS came back with the Yuko can.... our conversation kind of went like this...
TAKA "Wow NESS you so lucky you got yuko!"
NESS "Yeah, I know I'm awesome~"
TAKA "Did you get it at the vending machine down stairs??"
NESS "Nahh, I got it from the convenience store. You know they sell it there with other members as well so you can just choose who you want. You were so stupid trying to get them from the machines."
TAKA "I'm not stupid...! I didn't know they sell it there and I didn't see it last time I went as well!"
So yeah..... ANYWAYS!!! I only bought back five cans which were Paruru, Mayu, Yuihan, Yuko and Yukirin because of the stupid luggage space... I'm so sorry for the other cans!! _:(´□`」 ∠):_

I think that is all for the goods that I bought!!! until the next post about my first handshake event....

Peace out (・∀・>)
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