Title: 賛成カワイイ! Sansei Kawaii!
Artist: SKE48
Release Date: 2013.11.20
Management went all out for this single having the Sansei Kawaii MV shot oversea in Thailand, added another type that allowed more songs to be recorded and included a scratch card that allowed the buyers a chance to enter this event where they might be able (extremely rare) to take photos with a member they chose with their own mobile phone...! But I was surprised that the Oricon chart weekly sales was only 449,003 copies, which is much lower than Utsukushii Inazuma's 510,673... I really love this single and was kind of sad that the sales declined so much... (I wonder how the SKE girls would feel about this as well...) but I guess one of the reason why the sale went down is maybe because of Jurina's upcoming janken single...(I feel bad for not buying all types of Sansei Kawaii....) I hope their next single can be much better than their previous singles...!!
Anyways having RUBS here with me as well, we shall continue with our reviews on the single~
賛成カワイイ!/ Sansei Kawaii! Music Video

Costume: ★★★★☆
When I first saw the costume at Kobe Hall concert, I thought that it was just for the concert and not the actual costume for this song, but when I know that it actually is, I was thinking
"Mmmmm... okay." It is not that I don't like the design, it suits this song perfectly well in my opinion with the variety uses of colour and the bling, especially when this MV is filmed in Thailand. But it is just too colourful and blingbling for me... I guess everyone has different opinions on different subjects ( ・◇・ ) Anyways.... A really good job for the costume designers on each individual details they worked on, for example the fluffs on the shoulder and also the colour dying (After looking at it closely, I realised that the colour position on everyone is different... so I was kind of wondering if they just putted the costume in this multi-colour machine and out comes the new costume LOL) And also one more thing I gotta say.... The seifuku they wore for the MV is sooooo pretty~~~ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
Dance: ★★★★★
Let us talk about the dance formation first... It is very obvious that wMatsui will be in the front as always but I was not really happy that the dorky Team KII leader Churi was pushed all the way back to the last row...! (」゜ロ゜)」She has been in the front ever since joining SKE until this very single so management please move her back in the position she deserves in the next single...! Continue on... The choreography of this song is very energetic and jumpy just like the typical SKE style. At first, I was going to only give four stars but after watching more of their performace on Music Station, Music Japan, Music Dragon etc...(lol at how they all start with "music") I gave full stars because during the free style part (the "jump! jump! go! go! love! love!" part), it is interesting to see what each individual group does especially Rena's group and how can I not give the dance five stars after looking at them having fun ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I recommend the performances on 20131115 Music Station and 20131122 Music Dragon~ Watch it and you will know what I am talking about~
Song: ★★★☆☆
I really love the title of the song how its "Sansei Kawaii" meaning "Agree cute" (This translation is kind of weird... oh well~) and I do agree with Aki-P that the SKE48 girls all look really cute~~ I shall stop with the pedo-ing and mmm... About my opinion on the song, it is a very energetic song just like Aishiteraburu and Oki Doki but it is not my favourite even if I do like the song.
Overall: ★★★★☆
I really love how the MV was filmed and edited. The director cleverly showed how much fun the girls had during their time in Thailand for example when they were riding on the elephants, on the speed boat, performing on the street for people, having water fight and eating outside (I still can't get over the fact that Airin ate a turtle (・□・;)), while making the MV seem like a promotional video for Thailand as well. All the girls looked really adorable and cute as well with each of their individual shots, especially Jurina on the car, Minarun on the boat and Nonchan in general~!!
Overall, I am really happy with this single and I'm so glad that the senbatsu members had fun in Thailand as well~
Costume: ★★★★☆
From first glance to now, I have changed my mind about this costume and I actually really like it! The bright colours are definitely festive and suit this PV and song very much. The flower head accessory was over the top, but that's what made it, for me anyway. I also, like TAKA love the white blouse and plaid skirt, very preppy and cute. Okay fangirling moment: Nannan that "bun-bun" hairstyle should be illegal...for being too cute! ahh, and now that you're graduating, I won't be able to see it again *sigh*
Dance: ★★★☆☆
mhmm not really the type of dance I enjoy SKE performing live but since they have 'Escape' now ^0^ I'm satisfied. Definitely something that makes you bop up and down and just a feel-good happy dance like their precursors, Oki Doki and Banzai Venus. My favourite part is "yubi~sashite~" and the centre four point to the two on their respective sides. It's like their saying, "look guys! SKE is more than just wMatsui".
Song: ★★★★★
I don't know, I think this might be a close three-way tie with utsukushii and tsuyokimonoyo to be one of my favourite SKE songs! The guitar melody in the beginning is brilliant. Lyrics are really cute and I do agree, SKE is very cute! Especially Nao, Non and Nan ~^0^~ and Ryouha damnnnn she's stunning. I love the chanting as well "Jump-jump-go-go.." This song makes me feel doki-doki and smile a lot, so I gave it a rare 5 stars.
Overall: ★★★★★
Very strong title Single! I actually prefer this single over AKB's HE, although they are different genres. The PV was brilliantly filmed, couldn't ask for a better setting...those lucky Thai Fans and the phosphorescent sort of effect looks and fits in great. But damn, SKE's budget must be huge to fund for an overseas filmed PV AND to add in those elephants and obviously handle such a large crowd. This might actually be my most favourite PV for 2013, although SayoKuro follows closely behind it.
ここで一発 / Koko de Ippatsu Music Video (Da~su~ & Tsu~ma~)
Costume: ★★☆☆☆
If the bottom picture of the middle column is the song costume then I don't really like it as much because I don't really like the colour pink, and that style is not my type at all. I prefer the performance costume they wear in the top picture of the middle column.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
There is not that much dance scene in the MV until the last part, but the dance is very fun just like both Dasu and Kaotan. I love the part where the swing their arms at each other~ It would be awesome if they actually add dasu's tricks to performances!
Song: ★★★☆☆
The lyrics really described the hardwork works they both have done to reach to the point where they are at right now which is Dasu placing 16th for the Sousenkyou and Kaotan having her solo debut just recently. I love the line "Live how you please, You only have one life. Do what you please, Because it's your life." This is so true~
Overall: ★★★☆☆
One of the funniest member and the known "fisher" from 3rd gen joining together to make a special unit is always awesome especially when they are Dasu and Kaotan!! I reckon them two together makes a great combo and this song and the MV has been really enjoyable overall~
Costume: ★☆☆☆☆
The performing costume is quite boring and cheap looking. I know they were sort of going for that look but couldn't they spice it up a bit?
Dance: ★★★☆☆
This dance is hilarious! It's really fun and dorky just like them two and Dasu's flexibility still amazes me, every time I watch this PV!
Song: ★★☆☆☆
I don't really dig this song because it's too much dialogue in it and I prefer songs with mainly vocals in it. How ever the chorus is really catchy and fun to dance to. I like the backing instrumental as well.
Overall: ★★★☆☆
Kaotan and Daus are a great duo! and I loved the PV. A lot of dorky and "すべる" moments: Kaotan's tucked in pyjama pants and Dasu stuffed into a suitcase. I laughed alot at this PV but I don't think I'll listen to this song again.
いつのまにか、弱い者いじめ / Itsunomanika, Yowaimonoijime Music Video (Selection 8)
Costume: ★★★★☆
Can anyone tell me what is there not to love about seifukus??? Especially when is navy blue/black blazer and checkered skirts...!? I shall leave it there for all of you to think about it ☆~(ゝ。∂)
Dance: ★★★☆☆
The choreography is not very complicated and it suits this song really well with the simplicity. I really love the continuous change of formation, because every one of them will get a chance to be in the front
Song: ★★★★☆
This song has gotta be one of my favourite track from this single! It is a very upbeat and cheerful song that suits the selection 8 girls very well as they were promoted into teams during the Gaishi Hall concert. After listening to it for the first time, the song got stuck in my head for the rest of the day!! I still can't get over how much I love it when they sing the line "弱い者いじめなんてしない"!
Overall: ★★★★☆
First of all, I want to congratulate the girls being promoted to their respective team~ (Yay!! Rion, Ami, Yuna and Sayaka!! But I'm so sad that Sayaka graduated now after being in Team S for only 6 months to focus on studies...SKE has lost one potential member...I'm gonna miss her so much and I wish her all the best in her studies!) Anyways... Screw the stupid guys that decided to go out with other girls and not the awesome Selection 8 girls...!! I'm glad to see the girls having fun together~
Fact: For those that doesn't know SKE as much... Azuma Rion is the only girl from 6th gen which debuted during March 2013, to be promoted into a team during the Gaishi Hall team shuffle on 13th of April 2013. This means she only spent 18 days as a KKS, creating a record of the fastest promotion in the history of all 48G. (P.S. She is super awesome on the piano!)
Costume: ★★★☆☆
Pretty seifuku costume. I would expect nothing less from a 48G though. But I always prefer songs that have actual performing costumes rather than just school uniform.
Dance: ★★★★☆
I love this adorable dance! The many different dance formations were refreshing and fun. Although I did laugh at the frontal shot as Mizuno Honoka really stood out like a lone sunflower, towering over the rest haha.
Song: ★★★★★
Love this song so much! The chorus is super catchy and easy to sing along to. Adding this to my favourite SKE song list.
Overall: ★★★★☆
I really like this PV. I don't think I've ever seen a PV with this amount of even screen time shared between the girls. It's great that we can get to know the newly promoted SKE members and I think the other sister groups more so, Akiba, should take a leaf out of this book.
カナリアシンドローム / Canaria Syndrome Music Video (Shirogumi)
Costume: ★★★☆☆
Compare this seifuku with the selection 8's seifuku design, I prefer the selection 8 design more. I still like this costume since it is seifuku, but I think the colour bands on the sweater can be a little bit thinner and maybe not that high from the edges.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
This dance is not as complex as the Akagumi's choreography but it is more extreme and hardcore with spins and fast movements (As expected since SKE48 is known for their dance choreo) Risachan look so adorable being clueless to dancing the choreography~
Song: ★★★☆☆
The typical Shirogumi song that is always upbeat and happy. The song sounds pretty okay but then I think I prefer Akagumi's song more this time. Sorry Shirogumi! (シ_ _)シ
Overall: ★★★★☆
It is always a competition between Shirogumi and Akagumi on which song is better, I think this time it is a tie. With the dance choreography... both groups are really good and I cannot decide between each other. For the song, Akagumi win this time for me because it is more of the style I like (I always kind of prefer Akagumi's songs more) But for the MV, I like Shirogumi's more because I really like the idea of counting down their next scene for filming. It is really interesting even though I don't really know if that is the actual time countdown... oh well~
Costume: ★★★☆☆
I love Japanese seifuku, especially the sailor uniforms! I also love knits so this is a great costume. I rated this only three stars purely because I prefer "actual" costumes over school uniforms, as mentioned above. But otherwise, very pretty and cute.
Dance: ★★★★☆
Undoubtedly, this dance is less complex than Akagumi but I reckon a lot more energy consuming. Just my opinion here (especially how I can't even dance anyway) I really like the spinning around and just all round, very exaggerated and big movements. I love how it reminds me of the 70s swing dancing. Very upbeat and fun to watch.
Song: ★★★☆☆
This is a very upbeat and sort of a jive-song that is easily sung along to. I like the catchy chorus too. My thoughts on the lyrics: the canary is the memory of a loved one in the past (most likely during their youth) and the individual can't seem to let go of the past and hence has "canary syndrome".
Overall: ★★★★☆
I think it's quite obvious I prefer shiro over aka. Mainly because I do love a good Idol song sometimes. And this one tend to make me feel happy and memorable. Also MEIMEI IN A PV. Isn't she a beauty? I hope one day, she will make it in to senbatsu. Come on Aki-p, grant me my wish! The centre is quite a cutie too, her sleepy eyes and smile is what hooked me on to Kyon! The concept of an Idol's never ending schedule is quite creative and interesting. Never underestimate how much work an Idol puts in everyday. That is such a popular myth for the 48G, "But there's so many of them, of course they don't have to work hard" . Not true at all. Also, did everyone see how Makiko devoured that chicken leg? hahaha.
石榴の実は憂鬱が何粒詰まっている? / Zakuro no Jitsuwa Yuutsu ga Nantsubu Tsumatte Iru? Music Video (Akagumi)
Costume: ★★★☆☆
Costume design is average this time, I don't really like the fluff wings at the back and their headsets even though I know they are suppose to be fairies inside the clock. I would like it more if they didn't add the fluffs at the back.
Dance: ★★★★☆
Compare with Shirogumi, this song's dance choreography is not as extreme but it is more of a technical dance with complex hand movements and dance formation which I find really interesting.
Song: ★★★★☆
As expected from Akagumi! I really like these sort of song as all of you can probably guess from my favourite song being Tsuyogari Tokei and other songs such as Sasameyuki Regret. I prefer ballad/mystery-like songs than upbeat-cheerful songs.
Overall: ★★★★☆
I really think that the management are really pushing Mizuho alot lately, with her recent promotion during the Manatsu Dome tour, centering this song and SKE48's coupling song "Escape" from the up-coming janken single. About the MV.... we can see the complex dance moves and formation more but I prefer Shirogumi's, which is more fun and interesting.
Costume: ★★★★☆
I really like this costume. It's sort of in between a Fairy and an Angel. The white gives a pure look and the "ears" adds a nice touch to the costume. Only thing I don't like is the frill on the back of the costume and also I have a very strong hatred towards 3/4 length pants eugh.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
As mentioned in Shiro's review, in terms of skill and difficulty? Aka wins, hands down. However although this dance has an interesting concept, I almost always prefer fast-paced and jumpy, upbeat dances over the poppin' and lockin' and all those robotic movements. I do commend first time centre, Mizuho chan though.
Song: ★★★☆☆
Not too into this sort of song. It's gloomy and a little bit repetitive with a basic arrangement. But the lyrics did catch my attention "ペッペッペッとして…" It's okay to spit out the seeds of melancholy with a peppeppe…
Overall: ★★★☆☆
I guess this song just didn't have enough spark for me. Definitely a unique PV concept but nothing leaving me wanting for more.
The following songs didn't have any music video with it so we will just rate the song by itself (I really wanted a music video with these two songs as well especially because of the senbatsu lineup..)
道は なぜ続くのか?/ Michi wa Naze Tsuzuku no ka? (Aichi Toyota Senbatsu)
TAKA Song: ★★★★☆
It is a shame that this song didn't get a MV because while listening to this song, I can imagine the senbatsu members having fun promoting Toyota cars and maybe pretending to drive them??LOL. Anyways... I think this song is a song that I would listen to when I want to relax after a long day~
Song: ★★★★★
Love this song so much! It really gets you up and going. Sakae presents another brilliant motivation song. The idea of a never ending road as the journey of life is very true. Life has so many openings, why stop? I especially love these lyrics: ~すべてのもの感謝すれば 昨日と違う今日になる~ If we're thankful for everything, today will be different than yesterday
ずっとずっと先の今日/ Zutto Zutto Saki no Kyou (Selection 18)
TAKA Song: ★★★☆☆
As the Selection 18 senbatsu members are the members who are ranked in this year's Sousenkyou, this song is also written to them about not giving up til you have reach the goal you have set for yourself. I really love the lyrics Aki-P has written for these girls, for example "I'll come closer to the place I'm aiming for, step by step. It's okay as long as I finally reach it someday", "Our power, Is the ability to not give up. Even if we stumble, We stand up again" and "Our power is, Our infinite potential. Even when we see a wall, It won't stop us".
Song: ★★★☆☆
A soothing song with a deep meaning behind those lyrics. I would've loved a PV with this song. To show the hard work and perseverance the ranked girls undertook to arrive at the stage they are now. It's truly a beautiful song, unfortunately my Japanese is far from good enough to be able to understand the song without looking at translations. But really, it's worth it to just take a read at the meaning behind this song.
Overall, I really love this single alot with the songs it has. For example, "賛成カワイイ!", "いつのまにか、弱い者いじめ" and "石榴の実は憂鬱が何粒詰まっている?" This single has set an even higher standard I expect from SKE48. I hope the next single will be as good as this single as well as the previous singles~
I might even collect the whole set in the near future as I only bought Type-A, that is if only I have money ahahah...
I thank RUBS for having the time to review this single as well~ It is always a pleasure to share the love for 48Group with someone else~
Anyways.... til next time....
Peace out (・∀・>)
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