Tuesday 10 December 2013

[Review] AKB48 - 33rd single ハート・エレキ Heart Ereki

AKB48 did it again! Heart Ereki topped the charts making it the 14th consecutive million sale single. AKB48 is now tied with B'z, holding the most consecutive million first day sale singles title. YAY^^ 
Fun fact: If the upcoming Janken Single is also a million seller, AKB48 will make oricon chart history! Come on wotas open up your wallets!

That said, with the release of the CDs, the music videos have also been revealed.

ハート・エレキ/ Heart Ereki Music Video -Dance Ver-

Costume: ★★★☆☆
The dance costume was classy, jazzy and English soldier looking. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I dislike them or anything, but I personally think they aren't really one of AKB's better costumes. That said, I do appreciate the details the designers have gone into with all the patterning and stitching on the top and I guess overall it does fit in with the song. I'm holding back my comments on the finger glove. 
Dance: ★★★★☆
Powerful, upbeat, it is one of the better dances AKB has ever produced in my opinion. Of course, some members are better than others, The formation and dance moves were well choreographed, except for maybe the fact that Mayu gets pushed to the back the minute the song begins. I guess the management still doesn't trust Mayu's dance abilities. 
Song: ★★★★☆
I'm really no expert in music genres but after Koisuru Fortune Cookie (KFC), yet another catchy, easily-get-stuck in head tune. Especially the chorus, the first time I heard the song, while watching the Janken Tournament livestream, I knew this was definitely going to be a single that I would buy a regular edition of (I collect theatre edition only, mostly). The fact that Kojiharu was center was quite a surprise, but definitely a pleasant one! She might not be the best at singing, but her voice is quite distinctive. The pairing of voices for the lines work quite well as well. Jurimayu's voice blend quite well together! However, even though it's a creative idea to have English nicknames, but I don't think it will work a second time...at least not with Kojiharu ahem...lol 
Overall: ★★★★☆
It is always nice to see new faces in senbatsu. Especially this time's senbatsu with Annin and Ricchan. Obviously I would've preferred my oshimen to be in senbatsu, I will hold on to believe that she will make it one day, but in the meantime, this time the management did make a good decision as to who's in senbatsu. But four stars overall for the slight disappointment in the costume and maybe I'm just hard to please and impress still too into Beginner haha.

Costume: ★★★☆☆
These costumes look great until the camera zooms into a close shot of that cheap satin material. I love the idea of a feminine 18th century military uniform but to use that sort of material just spoils the royal look. AKS, I know you've got highly skilled designers so please just give them a higher budget to spend on better quality material! Thankfully their live performances have better costumes.
Dance: ★★★☆☆

This dance is incredibly simple-not that I have anything wrong with that. I think the finger pointing looks a little silly at times, but it's effective in a large group i.e. AKB48. They also kept the dance formations very basic with only Jurina and Mayu rotating from the front to the back. I do love the locked in-arm rotating though, especially when Sasshi does it. 
Song: ★★★★☆
I thoroughly enjoyed this single as I'm a fan of retro-pop or classic pop. Heart Ereki was catchy as hell from the get-go. The dance is very plain so I focused mainly on the song which is great! I love kojiharu's vocals and I especially enjoyed her live singing! The guitar instrumental is certainly notable and I always enjoy a little guitar solo in AKB singles. Not too sure about the echoing though--get's a little repetitively annoying.
Overall: ★★★★☆

Great PV! I love all AKB band productions. Give me five was a favourite too albeit a slightly different genre. Yukirin's "1,2,3,4!" is too freaking adorable. Every time I hear it my heart moulds into soft mush. I'm glad they decided to bring back the old formation with the focus on the Old Gens. I mean yes Kojiharu as centre obviously hints a rather formidable future announcement but I love that Takamina is in her rightful position and also the return of the Tsundere Queen! This is saying lot coming from a Mayu-oshi because lets be honest, her and Jurina didn't get the best of positions. 

Costume: ★★★☆☆
I really like these kind of cool style, soldier type costumes~ Maybe its because I want to wear them as well...ahahah~ Anyways...! Good work again for the designers (I think its Shinobu who designs every costume??) for the little details on the tops, but the finger glove is a bit weird to me.... I wonder if they got the idea from Juritan when she hurted her finger during the Manatsu dome tours lol!
Dance: ★★★☆☆
I kind of feel neutral about this choreography... This dance is not as extreme as the previous years and its simple which is fine but there are some parts where I am not sure about... For example the "cat" move?? That part is really weird for me, also at the end where they turn and points the finger towards the camera. Other than all that, the only part that I really like is when they sing the part  "Ai no BIIMU de neraiuchi shiyou!" 
Song: ★★★☆☆
At first, I had mixed feelings about this song when they performed it at Janken tournament but after listening to it a few more times, it gets addictive and the song ended up getting stuck in my head. Why I only gave it a three stars out of five even though I find it addictive?? Because it is not a song that I will listen to for on repeat, but I really love the bands :)
Overall: ★★★☆☆
I'm happy to see this single focused more on the older generations as for the formation, they are placed in front of the juniors. I'm happy for Kojiharu as well for centering this single, but overall I'm a bit disappointed with the MV because it's a bit plain for me. Song-wise, not bad. Dance-wise, so so. But MV-wise, don't really like it.


快速と動体視力 / Kaisoku to Doutaishiryoku Music Video (Undergirls)

Costume: ★★☆☆☆
Checkered dress uniform has been done and dusted in the past, so nothing special about the costume. But I am quite fond of the private school Japanese seifuku. It looked especially well on Renacchi cohering with her elegant looks. But the performing costume is a let down and not innovative or creative at all.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
Dance is cute but again very basic and generic. Although Renacchi and Dasu are the "supposed" double centres, I feel this was more a four-tier centred song with Harrupi and Sakuratan. No complaints from me, I like that Harrupi is getting a lot of screen time. But I know that's a different case for NESS... 
Song: ★★☆☆☆ 
Enjoyable but forgettable. A typical Idol song with an upbeat soundtrack. I don't care much for this song, and the cinematography and the drama barely saved this PV from a two star.
Overall: ★★★☆☆ 
I'm glad this is a drama based PV as I don't think I would've enjoyed it very much if it wasn't. Renacchi plays the dismissive school girl protagonist superbly. Possibly because it's in her personality very muchly so. Dasu on the other hand...I think I'd rather see her acting in a trolling way or as her typical fishing-character. Harrupi, Fuuchan and Sakuratan are terribly cute, especially in the screencap above^. Story-line was a little bit of a drag but the cinematography was eye-gasmic *___* Loved the faded lighting. The little bit at the end with the artworks were clever too. All in all, song was a let down but the essence of the PV pulled the rating up. Favourite UG song of this year is still (by a long shot) Bara no Kajitsu <3

Costume: ★★★★☆
I really like checkered shirts personally, and I reckon this time UG's costume looks really pretty, especially with the choices of colour. I gave a bonus star for the school uniforms in the MV lol! (because I have a seifuku fetish xD) 
Dance: ★★★☆☆
The dance overall is pretty well choreographed, and I love the beginning of the song where they turn around, but is it just me or that Akarin seems to be a bit faster than others??? Song: ★★★☆☆ 
Unlike Heart Ereki, I really liked this song from the first time I listened to it. The senbatsu members for UG is pretty well chosen as well in my opinion. Good song overall :) Overall: ★★★★☆ 
This MV is pretty well directed and I find it pretty cute where Haruppi, Fuuchan, Sakuratan and Karen puts the pencil on their nose. This MV won over my heart at the end with the artworks spelling out UnderGirls~

 キスまでカウントダウン / Kiss Made Countdown Music Video (Team A)

Costume: ★★★☆☆
Performance costume is nothing new, same thoughts for what I had with UG song. Mayuyu looked really awesome all decked out in her Kendou gear! And that serious facial expression was very very beautiful. Okay, sorry getting off topic...
Dance: ★★★☆☆
One thing I've learnt from the 48G fandom is to not expect much from dances. In all seriousness, this dance is so bland and boring I'm ever so thankful they put in those sport scenes. Please Team A, I miss dances like Kurumi to Dialogue and Ruby.
Song: ★★★☆☆ 
Not as easily forgettable as UG so I give it three stars. Much to the contrary, I found this song very catchy and found myself humming to it the other day. This song is soothing to the ear but if you listen to it on loop, you'll probably get sick of it very quickly. I have a feeling this song was composed for Mayu hehe.
Overall: ★★★☆☆ 
Average song. Average PV. I'd like to see Team A go back to songs like Kodoku na Hoshizora and Ikiru Koto in next year's singles please. Glad to see there is quite an even screen time for all members. Adding in traditional sports are always a plus. I felt a little uncomfortable with the close up shots of the sweat dripping of Harrupi and the water droplets dripping off Annin. But I guess if you're into that sort of stuff...

Costume: ★★★☆☆
The costume from Team A this time is so-so, like there is nothing that I really like or love. But you've gotta agree that Mayu and Yuihan looks so cool in those kendou and kyuudou uniforms..!! 
Dance: ★★☆☆☆
We were able to look at the dance in much more detailed than the other MVs because it was included in the end, and well about the dance.... I don't really have anything to say about it actually....
Song: ★★☆☆☆
Well.... I normally like the Team A songs but I was pretty disappointed with this one. I know that there are people out there that likes this song but I just find it plain and boring, and it is not my type of song.
Overall: ★★☆☆☆
Overall.... very disappointed with Kiss made countdown. I quite like the sport segments in the MV, but there's no parts that stand out for me. It's cool to show all the different angles of the choreography, but I would prefer it if they take that all out and maybe add a short story in the beginning. 

細雪リグレット / Sasameyuki Regret Music Video (Team K)

Costume: ★★★★☆
The Japanese seifuku is really pretty and preppy and worked really well in this PV. 
Dance: ★★★☆☆
Not fond of the dance much. But this single hasn't really focused much on choreo anyways. The V-shaped formation looked great and the film set looked amazing with the dance. But not a powerful dance to remember.
Song: ★★★★☆ 
Great song! Best B-side for this single, in my opinion. Sasuga Team K. I love the backing track and Yuko's voice dominated, so a win for me. Also love the title of the song--it's really beautiful. 
Overall: ★★★★☆ 
Great to see some new faces! Nozawa Rena wasn't given much screen time but glad to see she's involved with her concurrency. Seeing Yuami and Moe was quite a surprise, and at first was a little confused as to why a KKS and T4 member was in a TK song. But Moe really is Tomochin in the making and I'm glad to see her showcase her dancing skills. I love the gloomy lighting and the light snow in this PV. However the story behind it was a little weak.

Costume: ★★★★★
For those people that know me...you all know that I love seifuku and this is probably the reason why I gave it a full 5 star. Especially when this type of uniform are my favourite LOL! The beige blazer... checkered skirt... too perfect >///<
Dance: ★★★★☆
In the MV, there weren't that many dancing scenes and they only showed the chorus part, so I just judged on that section. Anyways....! I'm happy with the formation of the dance Song: ★★★★☆
From the beginning, I knew this song would become one of my favourites and it has!!! Tsuyogari Tokei being my favourite, Sasameyuki Regret has that same feel, kind and type... Actually I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore... The song is just awesome overall!
Overall: ★★★★★
5 Stars!? Is this even possible!? Well... When you combine my favourite type of costume, song style, Team K, stuffs related to astronomy and Jurina riding on bikes(???)... It is possible. (LOL?) I feel like I'm not writing enough for the review, but there is only one word that can describe how I feel towards this song.... "Awesome"

Tiny T-shirt Music Video (Team B)

Costume: ★★☆☆☆
Too cute for my liking. And those shoes are a shocker! I never want to see Team B perform in them EVER.  But yukirin...omg why are you wearing an oversized men's collared shirt! *nosebleeds to death* 
Dance: ★★★☆☆
Again, a very average dance. The same old Team B dance, overflowing with cute dance moves and the bopping up and down. But who couldn't  love those bright, smiley faces. 
Song: ★★★★☆ 
This is a feel-good summer song that I would gladly listen to every so often. As a fan of brass sounds this is a rocking song for me! It's easy going and soothing with Team B's sweet innocent voices accompanying the instrumental. 
Overall: ★★★☆☆ 
Reinyan's little heart was so adorable. I haven't seen anyone make a heart in that way for quite a long time. Milky's reaction to the b/w film was gold! She never fails to fish me. Yukirin actually cooking?! What is this sorcery. The girl can't even crack an egg. All fun things aside, let's talk about the elephant in the room...first of all trust AKS to hire a Caucasian actor WHO CAN'T ACT. Also what is with the facial expressions with the speech bubbles? His face deeply disturbed me to say the least. I don't even want to know why his mouth was open half the time, he seriously creeped me out. 
Another cute, Team B PV filled with sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. 

Costume: ★★☆☆☆
I was going to give just one star for the costume design for this song, because one, I don't like the maid design costume, second.... What is wrong with their shoes...!? It is too weird for my liking, but I guess it is kind of "idoly like" that fits with the Team B image. In the end I gave two stars because...Paruru looks really adorable with the pyjamas~ and Yukirin..... No comment...
Dance: ★★★☆☆
The usual, typical Team B dance style, and I really have nothing to talk about so I will just leave it there as three stars out of five.
Song: ★★★☆☆ 
I really love the instrumental opening of song, it makes me actually wanna learn the instrument! (I don't know which instrument it actually is..is it trumpet???) It is a very calm and relaxing song just like the PV I guess.
Overall: ★★★★☆ 
Costume, dance and song are all pretty average to me, but the PV won over my heart. Everyone is so adorable in the PV...!! Yukirin putting too much detergent in the washing machine.... Paruru leaving an iron marking on the shirt... Reinyan's heart... Milky's reaction to the movie clip... Yukirin, Nyannyan, Paruru, Milky and Renacchi all making food and feeding it to the camera... Overload of cuteness..!! I wish they can come over to my house and do cleaning with me~ 
But one thing that annoyed me alot is the male actor.... I can't even call him an actor because to be honest he is really bad at acting...

清純フィロソフィー / Seijun Philosophy Music Video (Team 4)

Costume: ★★☆☆☆
Too much skin and looks tacky. That pink is way too bright and doesn't really showcase Team 4's personality properly. I really liked the pyjamas though.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
Not the best choreo but I loved the little snippet of them doing the Exile "choo choo train". Super adorable. Lacking in changing formations so not very interesting.
Song: ★★★★☆ 
I really like this song! It sort of has a slight melodic tune and I was glad Team 4's first original song was not a typical Team B sort of song. The lyrics and meaning behind this song was also perfect.
Overall: ★★★☆☆ 
A little bit cheesy and corny but the perfect kind of PV to introduce the new Team 4. I died when kojimako and mikichan were winking in front of the camera. Actually I died in all those close up shots. Great PV and song, what's there not to like about the new kids on the block!

Costume: ★★☆☆☆
Let uas not talk about the costume because I really don't like the design at all and I reckon it does not suit the song at all. The only good costume for this song or more like the PV for me is of course... The seifukus and pyjamas! Ahahahh~
Dance: ★★★☆☆
I really like the choreography until the part when they sing "Tenshi no you ni..."..... I know that they are singing "Like an angel" but the move is just weird to me and it seems more like a bird... No offence
Song: ★★★☆☆
I don't really know what to say anymore (??:You always don't know what to say anyways) Conclusion... I like the song
Overall: ★★★☆☆
It is a pretty well directed PV to introduce the new Team 4 to the audience, with the blackboard segment with their names on the board, making the viewers (like me) able to learn the member's name. As expected the three musketeers will have more screentime than other members, but everyone is so adorable and cute doing the winks, flying kisses, wearing nekomimi and having a pillow fight.....!!! The choco choco train is always awesome!!!

君だけにChu!Chu!Chu! / Kimi Dake ni Chu! Chu! Chu! Music Video (Tentoumu Chu!)

Costume: ★★★☆☆
Very bright and colourful costumes that exactly suit this unit's average age of JAILBAIT age. My eyes hurt a little at how bright they were.
Dance: ★★★☆☆
Jumpy and lively dance. I loved the massive star jumps. The choreographer was probably thinking they're young and have the energy so let's make them do aerobic jumps. *rubs hands together*
Song: ★★☆☆☆ 
This song makes me want to get up and jump around AND makes me want to pull out my hair. Super duper bubbly song that I probably won't listen too much of. The "chu chu chus" with each girl repeating it is probably the main reason. I couldn't handle it live and certainly can't handle it in the PV either even though it was a little toned down. 
Overall: ★★★☆☆ 
Don't get me wrong, I really like this subunit, they even remind me of the early days of Warota but this song is pretty hard to listen to for a while. I love the idea of the top batter KKS all collected into one unit and they make a great team but this is far from an oustanding PV. Too much use of green screens and "fake" nature.  

Costume: ★★★☆☆
Who doesn't love polka dots cute fluffy dresses on kids right?? This style suits the song really well, but it is not my type of costume. As always........ the seifukus gave bonus points to the rating...!!! I really like Nana, Ryoha and Mio's seifuku! Wait... actually.... I like all of the styles...!!!! XD
Dance: ★★★☆☆
Along with the song, this choreography is very energetic with them doing the star jump. But I always wonder...... what happens when they are performing live and doing the star jump and they accidently kick the person next to them if they are not stand apart far enough...??? Just a thought but I guess it won't happen since they practise very hard to make sure nothing goes wrong :)
Song: ★★★☆☆
It is a very cutesy and bubbly song and I.... love it! Especially the "Kimi dake ni Chu!Chu!Chu!" part!!! But contradicting my liking to that part, I'm not really keen when each of them says "Chu! Chu! Chu!"... Even though they all sound very cute, I find it repetitive and annoying after a while.
Overall: ★★★★☆
I really love the director's idea of "Spot the difference" game incorporated within the PV. I had a lot of fun trying to spot the difference and realised after a while that this is a way for the audience to listen to the song more....! (LOL I'm so slow)
I love this subunit as well~~ all the cute little lolis... ahem I meant KKS (more like half KKS since the three musketeers were promoted) together to form a super KKS unit. This unit is great for lolicons (like me ahahah)!

君の瞳はプラネタリウム / Kimi no hitomi wa Planetarium / KKS (Theatre)
Song: ★★☆☆
Everyone always look past the theatre song (well, as an international fan anyway). I don't blame them though, with a song like this. Its sub par compared to songs like Love Shugyou. A plain chorus, and plain instrumental soundtrack, you can't really blame the 15th gen voices after all this. Many might call it, 'oh, another run of the mill Idol song'. However I am interested as to what sort of dance this song accompanies.
Song: ★★★☆☆
I actually don't follow any KKS members, not as much as NESS and RUBS, so I don't really listen to the theatre song as well unless I really like the song. And for this single's KKS song... I reckon that it is pretty average and normal for me and I don't really have anything else to talk about ahahah... :/


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